Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday Morning

As always, the weekend went far too quickly and it was Sunday morning and time to turn eyes and the car toward the Cape again.

But before I left (but after some yummy French toast...), there was time for another prowl around the garden.

I am totally coveting all the ferns (there's such a variety of them, too!) along the brook and throughout the gardens and the yards at Mom and Dad's place.

A few may yet find their way home with me as starter plants.

This white flower is not Queen Anne's Lace, tho it mimics it nicely.

It's called water lettuce, I believe, and is one of those wild species which just loves these sorts of damp conditions.

The brook is just about overgrown with ferns this time of year.

Their varying shades of green add a nice contrast to this hot hanging basket of petunias.

In another part of the garden, Sunday morning saw the unfurling of these lovely pink mallows.

Here's one of my favorite Adirondack wildflowers, the un-PC named indian paintbrush.

These lemon daylilies are so far not drawing the attention of the local deer population. (Fingers crossed.)

After a moment or two to enjoy this Siberian iris, it was time to pack the car and bid some adieus and hit the dusty road headed south and then east.

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