Saturday, July 28, 2007

Cloudy Saturday

It was an overcast morning here on the Cape. In fact, as I visited the garden this morning, it was raining very lightly, as the northern edge of a shower passed over Eastham.

All three of those new lilies are blooming now, with the last just joining the show this morning. Here they are amongst some coreopsis, daisies and rudbeckia.

This purple garden phlox is putting on a very nice show this year.

It was nice to see some blue breaks in the cloud cover on the way to work, but as you can see, more clouds were moving in. Forecasts are calling for the possibility of showers for the next five days. Welcome, August.

Found this creature on the kitchen porch as I got home from work this evening. Something in the beetle family, I'm guessing. I've uploaded the photo to BG, and will update when I've gotten some feedback.

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