Thursday, September 13, 2007

In The Garden

I found some of the benefits of Tuesday's rain out in the garden this morning, starting with this red zonal geranium in our middle whiskey barrel.

It's accompanied here by (some asparagus fern you can't see) a Korean dwarf grass and some blue dayflowers I tucked in from one of the beds were it goes wild.

The multitude of hostas around the house are blooming like crazy as well.

I still feel a little guilty as I think back to hosta blossoms I so gleefully POPped as a child. It was so much fun, but what must gardeners in our neighborhood have thought of that. "Those rotten kids..."

It was, honestly, too bright for a photo of the orchard garden when I made it out there around 11:30. But here it is anyway, looking very shaggy and over-grown. Perhaps I'll get to mowing this weekend.

I'm very proud of that great plume of grass. It was not so very large when we moved in a few years ago...and at the time, I was planting it on the fringe of the garden beds that I'd dug in by then.

Since then, it's grown into this great monolith in the center of the garden. Which is sort of cool.

But it's also starting to crowd the path there, so I've been pondering how many divisions I might get out of it and what new home would show them off to the whole area's advantage. I've got some daylilies that might look cool interplanted with this grass.

Beneath a canopy of wild asters preparing to bloom, this white foxglove at the southern end of the garden has decided to put out a blossom or two.

And not far away, the tall pink garden phlox are reblooming without much encouragement from me!

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