One gardener's observations, discoveries and random thoughts whilst simultaneously worshipping and dallying in a Cape Cod garden. "A garden," said Ralph Waldo Emerson, "is like those pernicious machineries which catch a man's coatskirt or his hand, and draw in his arm, his leg and his whole body to irresistable destruction."
twas beautiful here as well.
WOW! Greg...those pictures are awesome! We finally got some rain yesterday...our 1st for 38 days!! With the drought, & tornados & cyclones & the baseball(!!) size hail in Colorado, I'm really starting to believe that we have seriously pissed off Mother Nature! Have a great weekend...*elaine*
Gorgeous. We had skies almost this dramatic over the last few days too. I'm planning on posting a few photos I took that get close to capturing the scene. Once again I'm following your lead.
A lovely night, for sure, Torn. I was hosting an 8th grade dance at work, which was fun, too. These were taken during my visits outside to scan the parking lot for discouragable behavior, but really, the kids never left the dancefloor. I just couldn't resist these fantastic clouds!!
It sprinkled very lightly as I was taking the first three pictures, but that seemed about it for our 30% chance of rain.
Mother Nature seems a little displeased with all of us lately, Elaine; I'm not sure you and Colorado should take it personally.
Despite her recent crankiness, though, she has brought us a lovely weekend here on Cape Cod, and I hope she's done the same for you!
What a great set of photos! I particularly like the third one down. It's breathtaking!
Patrick, I can't wait to check 'em out...always fun to see the weather patterns that cross over you first before heading our way!
Curt, thanks for stopping by--I think that one might be my favorite, too!!
great sky, the first picture seems to come from Sleepy Hollow, the movie
Hi Martin! I think it was that sort of drama that drew me to catch that bit of sky in the first place.
Amazes me a little that the first three of these four images were taken within moments, but looking in different directions.
Very, very nice!!
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