When people speak of the Dog Days of Summer, they are generally referring to those hot days of mid-August, not early June. It's true, our temperatures have been fairly high this week, but there were other reasons to apply the Dog Days moniker to today.

This delicate little flower is Sophie. She lives directly across the street from us with her Dad.
Most mornings, when they emerge from the house, she makes her away across the road to say good morning to one of us. Usually it's Owen she sees, but he was still getting ready for work when I was out watering, so I had the pleasure this morning.

I was also greeted this morning, but a massive resprouting of witch grass in the most recently dug out portion of the garden bed. I've managed to carefully tug out a few of these, but most remain for some morning when I can sit down and tease them out, without damaging the newest flower seedlings which are already beginning to emerge.
That red in the background here is the scotch broom. Through that you can see one of the sunflowers...and in front of the broom, to the left, is that peony plant I thought was dying a few weeks back. It seems to be slowly recovering, thanks to its replanting here.
However, it doesn't appear that any of the peonies--generally looking pretty healthy, will be blooming this year. This is a little disappointing, as they have been so fantastic previously. But if they've survived the move at all, I should be grateful, and will have to accept a year without those fragrant flower bombs.

I still haven't had the time to do a Sniff Test on the dianthus, though I'm hoping to explore that aspect of these eager little plants tomorrow. Still, no reason not to show you this one in fire engine red.
Continuing the dog theme, I have learned that the pup who befriended me one morning last week is called Bosun. She's about six months old, and seems to be mostly taking to her training very well--we watched this morning as she walked at her Mom's side without a leash for the first time...well, for her Mom, anyway. She did the same trick with me last week when we first met.

She was apparently left alone outside again this morning, which bothers me a little. I was sitting in the car, choosing a CD for the car ride to work when I was suddenly being slurped once more by this gangly cutie.
Since I was ready to leave, I opened up the passenger door and she hopped right in...and I drove her down to her house.
No one was home, and I wasn't going to put her back into the backyard pen she'd escaped from...especially because it's pretty sunny in their back yard. (*While we never reached the 90 degree mark predicted for today, it was still a hot morning) There is a line in the front yard, which is pretty shady, so I hooked her up to that and found a bowl to fill with water from their outdoor tap.
It was really all I could do before leaving for work, well, except to get a photo of her. I really hope they don't continue leaving this sweet dog outside on her own. She seems to be seeking me out when she's lonely...which is heart-warming and cute, but still...

Behind the restaurant today, I spotted this lady bug larva, which is so very different looking from the insect it will become. Here's another photo I took of one of these last year.
And today a morning look at that fantastic purple iris. It's not as dark as I recalled. However, I saw one down the street this evening which did indeed appear to be nearly black. I'll try to get a photo of that tomorrow.

I spotted the Nibblers grazing across the street this evening and disturbed this one a little as I wandered over for a closer photo.

Clearly they weren't that disturbed, though.

That first picture is just gorgeous! Really pretty. Love the bearded purple iris, too bad they weren't the fragrant variety! Keep sniffing; when you come across a fragrant one, you will probably fall in love with the scent. Some that have fragrance don't smell good at all (a few of the whites and yellows) but many of them are terrific.
After I checked in on the dragonfly discussion over at Hooky Beach, I was thinking of other bugs I'm fond of, and ladybugs sprang to mind first. On one occasion an enormous flock of them flew into my bedroom in Seattle; I think they were the benevolent variaty, not the Japanese kind that bite. No idea what they were doing there. I wonder if some local gardener had bought them as a pesticide, but didn't have enough food to keep them there. It's one of those experiences that felt at the time like some sort of omen, though if it was, I never figured out the message.
Those bunnies know they have you wrapped around their paws, I think.
The dog is a cutie. Too bad the neighbors aren't watching it more closely.
The rabbits are not hiding anymore and it looks as though they enjoy your lawn to frolic upon.
Oh the purple of that Iris, what a beauty. Thanks.
I'm going to be humming "I like coffee and I like tea..." and its all your fault. ;-)
Marc, I think for the most part the heavenly fragrances make up for the more earthly ones--I'm keen to find a scented iris, now, so I'll keep looking.
Meanwhile, I wish you and Jess safe travels on your journey to Old Sod--enjoy it for me, too!!
Butch, I had another encounter with Bosun this morning--it turns out she's an escape artist, who's apparently sweet on me.
As for the earworm, I'm told that thinking of Barry Manilow's "Copacabana" will erase any other song stuck in your head, but I can't say its an improvement over the Manhattan Transfer!!
Patrick, I wish I could figure out why your comments come in for moderation after others (like Butch's today) and yet appear before them once I've moderated. Perhaps it takes longer for your comments to get out of NYC's ISP orbit. (But it always makes it looks like I want to respond to others ahead of you...rrrggh)
Meanwhile, I thought of you and your seeing of omens in the natural world as an eagle soared in circles up above the highway as I drove to work yesterday.
And yah, you might be right about the bunnies. The dogs, too, obviously.
: )
Bunnies and puppies and buds-- my gosh. I kinda want to hug Sophie a bit. How cute she is.
That iris is amazing, and the dianthus has always been a favorite.
So, so many pretties!!
"Bunnies and puppies and buds, my gosh"?!? Dorothy, can't you just say the line like it's written!?
Yah, Sophie's a cutie, especially when she wants us to know she's outside the gate to the backyard, and lets out her biggest sound, which is a tidy little "arp".
bunnies and puppies and bugs, toads and flies, oh my! That picture of the two at the curb at first look like a mirrored image until I realized that there was less grass on one side. Neat shot! And beware the slurping stinging insects when you lean down to sniff - have a fat lip from a lesser bug meself today!
Your mum
Aren't there any Dorothys at this casting call who know the line?!
Hiya, Mom!! Just talking with another former Adker today about how we think big mosquitos and traffic are a reasonable trade-off in exchange for not having black flies! Sorry to hear about your lip!
Eh- Dorothy's notoriously an independent thinker, Greg. :) Did you see TinMan on the sci-fi channel? Dorothy's got spunk!
"Arp." (That was either Sophie, or Toto... :) Hope you're doing well there, Gregoire! PS- am enjoying the music-- the Greg FM Radio station.
Dorothy's got spunk, eh?
I hate spunk.
; )
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