Here's the columbines, in all their splendor. These I recognize, as they are coming from an older and fairly large plant, which I've seen bloom for a few years now.

This one, however, is a new entry. Looks like it has the recurving inner petals of the blue and purple columbines we also had, but with a coloring similar to the pinks above.
Pretty cool, huh?

On a related note, this marigold has just begun blooming and in doing so, reveals itself to be very different to the single flowered yellow marigolds in who's sixpack container it had stown away.

After work tonight I hit the store for a new pair of Tevas, now that the warmer days have arrived. I'm pleased to say the ones I bought were half the price of the ones at that link.
These fantastic double rugosa roses were just starting blooming near the parking lot.

This past weekend's big discovery was that this red flowered shrub is nestled in between the white shrub I think is a spirea variety (photo below). I had thought it was weigela, but now that I compare it to Bokey's, I see it's not quite that at all.
It's very cool that these overgrown bushes are growing in between the white-flowered bushes--they've all kind of become a big wild hedge, on both the east and west edges of the property, which of course the birds love. But it seems I don't know what its called. Anyone...?

However, I sure DO know what THIS poison ivy is called. I spotted it right on the southwestern corner of our lot, and it's an old thick plant, so I expect it's woven itself pretty well into that western hedge...so I'm glad I've not done anything more than look at it.
The memory of my first and most-dreadful experience with Poison Ivy (just a year ago, in fact)remains strong in This One and I have no desire to relive it, so I'll stand well clear.
My fondness in "garden whimsy" is no secret. Our garden welcomes gnomes, leprauchauns, elves, stone dogs and ducklings, giant plastic frogs and dinosaurs big and small...and over the years, we have known a few flamingos.

Our current rental was once a preschool, so as we clean the place up, particularly the back yard, it has been a little like an archaeological dig. Instead of bones, of course, we are unearthing old Matchbox cars and toy soldiers and LEGO pieces (keeping those!) and such.
I found this little plastic hand at one point and stuck it into the bed near these pansies.
It's a whole "Spongebob Cementpants Sends Greetings From the Fabulous Meadowlands" sort of vibe that tickles me.

All along the border out front, the dianthus are one-by-one unfurling to reveal their various colors. This one caught my eye this evening...so much so that I didn't even notice that the yellow daylily behind it had begun to bloom until I looked up from the dianthus!

gorgeous flowers! i love the colour of the pansies. i adore pansies.
the little hand makes me think that there should be a lego grissom looking for teeny tiny lego insects and a hot wheel coroner's van nearby.
I adore them, too. I like your plan for the little CSI: Toyland diorama...but not unless we can have a G.I. Joe that looks like Nick Stokes, too!
I'm not sure what the gorgeous dark wine coloured shrub is, but I'm fairly certain the white ones are snowmound spirea, and very lovely and bridal they are, too.
I love your garden, Greg ..and I'm glad it's not a secret one.
Now how did that starfish crawl into your garden?! ;-) I have the darker purple Columbine blooming and will take a picture of it once it stops raining today. Also I have a weigela plant that has started to bloom and I was waiting for more blooms to appear before posting it. That plant of yours really looks a lot like my weigela. It will be interesting to find out the differences.
I think you have completely out done yourself with the entry. I can not remember ever seeing so many beautiful flowers and colours all in one post. Truly, awesome.
Hi Coop!! Thanks for the spirea confirmation--I had a feeling they were of that family. As you can see, some discussion remains about whether or not that other is weigela or not (but at least I've learned how to *say* it...).
Butch, no blue ribbons yet, it's only June 3rd! There's SO much more garden to come!! But thanks!!
Oh, and Coop: while I'm still adapting to the whole business of not going out into the garden with bedhead (or inappropriately clad), I'm pretty pleased it's not a secret garden anymore, too!
My parents also have a spirea variety that they have never seen bloom before and their blooms are in long, cylindrical, conical shapes as opposed to the wide round ones you have illustrated.
It seems to be about the opportune time with all the colors that are being expressed throughout the garden beds.
Gardens are always secret gardens until you know that you've got all the plants growing, they're healthy and in colorful bloom. Until then..."What garden?" ;-)
My dear Afod, I know there are those who require visual confirmation, but for me, once the garden has been imagined, it's "That garden!" to me!! Of course, it becomes "The best garden" once there's a flower or two!
Spongebob, HANG ON, we're COMING FOR YOU!!!!
Well, maybe after we admire the columbines a bit more. :)
OMG what an amazing array of colour Greg. I am too ashamed to even look at my garden in comparison. I see clearly I have much work to do but Thank you for ebing that inspiration.
You have given me much to think about and so many varieties to consider.
Congrats on such a beauitful garden.
Spectacular! Such colors throughout. I would have been distracted by the dianthus too, though that yellow is gorgeous. My eye just naturally goes first the reds and purples. I might have seen some of that snowmound spirea today on my walk. Does it have a faint lemony scent?
I really appreciate the garden whimsy. One of the strangest garden additions I ever saw was a "garden bed," which as literally a four-post bed with a garden planted where the mattress would be. That alone sounds cute, but the mannequin arm reaching out of the dirt just made it really disturbing.
Spongebob Cementpants Sends Greetings From the Fabulous Meadowlands
Thanks for the laugh. I love it!
As for Bokey (otherwise known as my partner Marc), I'm not sure if I should be happy or worried that he has found a kindred gardening spirit! ;)
OMG - I love your blog! Beautiful, beautiful gardens! Love the rhodos from a few entries back. Stunning! All the purples and pinks are just terrific, and the other colors are stunning as well. I love dianthus, and lilies. My lilies don't seem to be doing too well this year. I usually have some terrific ones, but I don't think they are going to go this year. They are very weak and spindly this year.
Sh@ney, a garden is never something to be ashamed of, only something to be loved and nurtured and coaxed along, as time allows!!
Patrick, I must confess I've not noticed scent from the spirea yet...but there are so many fragrances bombarding le nez de moi recently I haven't sorted them all out yet.
But yah, the purple center of that dianthus had me so entranced, I almost put my eye out on the daylily before I noticed it. Sad, really.
Jess, what's to worry about? We don't have a problem, we could stop any time we wanted.
Marc, I'm worried about your lilies. Have you checked them for those little demon red bugs, the lily-leaf beetle? Oh, how I howl at the indignity of them, living inside our lilies, eating them, and then fornicating and crapping on them.
Keep an eye out for the little red bastards and squeeze the life out of 'em. Sure, it's icky, but it's damn satisfying, too. (There's a spray to kill them, but it also gives fish three heads.)
Jeremy, I've heard of those sorts of garden beds, but never one with a mannequin arm coming up from it. And here I thought I was being all original!
A little goes a long way, perhaps, but I think it's those personal touches that bring the surprise element into the garden, which is always fun.
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