One gardener's observations, discoveries and random thoughts whilst simultaneously worshipping and dallying in a Cape Cod garden. "A garden," said Ralph Waldo Emerson, "is like those pernicious machineries which catch a man's coatskirt or his hand, and draw in his arm, his leg and his whole body to irresistable destruction."
Let the sunshine
let the sun shine
the sun shine in...
All that yellow is beautiful. My garden yellow is lemon daylies. They smell like sweet perfume.
PS. Thanks so much for saying such wonderful things about my art and words--I was walking on air. When you say you wish people would be kind to each other, you are walking the talk.
“Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot; others transform a yellow spot into the sun.” Pablo Picasso
These are glorious, Greg! Your garden, and more specifically the photos you take of it, is pure poetry.
Thank you,
Love the yellow iris especially but all the yellow is glorious.
Thank you always for the growing, the sharing, the caring....and those delightful canines.
On a cloudy, overcast day in the mtns, the warmth and brilliance of your gardens are inspirational.
Tells me secretly
Yellow is a color I came to love later in life. The lift it always gives my mood is amazing. Flowers are still the arena where I love it best.
Ah, yellow, the color of sunshine and smiley faces and baby blankets. Isn't it incredible how tied into our moods and emotions those colors are.
We're getting to the time of year when more than one thing's blooming at once, and I just love the way all the colors play so nicely together.
It seems to me as a Civilization, we could take a lesson from the flowers.
I've never seen a yellow iris, nice
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