I have discovered now that the morning glories have completely escaped any illusion I had of being in charge and are now running wild. Really, considering we're talking about morning glories, it's not that much of a bad thing. But it does appear that there'll be less of the whole thing of flags flapping in breezes if they have their way.
I spotted this moth chilling on a nice big sunflower leaf in the sun this morning. I don't know the species, but I'll send a copy to BugGuide.net and see if anyone there can identify it for me. I'll edit here later with anything I learn.
[EDIT: 7/27/08: Seems this is actually a butterfly, possibly of the sulphur variety. They are distinguished from moths, apparently, by the clubs at the ends of their antennae. Who knew?]
I hadn't recognized this plant at first. I only grew them from seed just last season before the move, so I hadn't really had much time to get to know them very well before having to start making Sophie's choices about who would be coming along and who'd stay behind.
To be honest, I can't recall if it was a conscious decision. I know there's a columbine seedling down there nearby. I wonder if some of the seeds were just in the soil and have taken advantage of the sunny location.
Here's what the moon looked like when it rose very late last night...technically early this morning.
I really had no business being up to see it, but since I was, I didn't hesitate to snap a photo or two to share with you all. I won't be waiting to see it again tonight. It's my suspicion that I could really use some extra Z's.
Hope you all had a great Saturday and that you enjoyed some low humidity sunshine like we did here.
That bachelor button is brilliant! The more I see of your garden the more it speaks to me. If that makes sense.
Hope you get good restful sleep tonight.
Java, the garden speaks to me in surprising ways, too! And sometimes, that makes more sense to me than anything else!!
(Oh, yes...and I've had a nice long and restful nap...and will be headed back for some more pillowtime very shortly!)
Back again, because I just remembered to ask...
How goes the smokelessness? Well, I hope. :)
Oh! EIGHT DAYS, Baby!!
As Tornwordo says, I'm Keeping The Quit!!!
Beautious post.
Wow, that is some serious blue! Beautiful!
As for Saturday, thanks for the good wishes. I had to work from about 8am 'til almost 2pm, but that went well and since then we've had fun with a friend visiting. Hope your weekend was good!
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