Or maybe just "Burma Shave".
Big thanks to Dykewife over at Seismic Twitch for bringing Church Sign Generator to my attention. You should surf on over there and have some fun.
Come on, you know you want to. It is Sunday, after all!
One gardener's observations, discoveries and random thoughts whilst simultaneously worshipping and dallying in a Cape Cod garden. "A garden," said Ralph Waldo Emerson, "is like those pernicious machineries which catch a man's coatskirt or his hand, and draw in his arm, his leg and his whole body to irresistable destruction."
cute poem :)
a handfasting is like a wedding but for pagan folk. it harkens back to a time when people regarded nature as part of their lives and used it in their rituals. people commit for a year and a day, a lifetime, so long as the love is there and so on. the use of strands of rope is the fasting part (or as boy called it when he was 3 - hand fastening), binding two people together in front of family friends and whatever deities they fancy.
bran doesn't do legal ceremonies though. in saskatchewan you have to be a commissioner or marriage or have a congregation (like being an ordained christian minister). someday someone is going to challenge the archaic laws and bran will be able to do legal handfasting.
Hi DW!! Glad you enjoyed it! : )
Now that you describe it, I realize I do know what a hand-fasting is...I just wasn't firing the ole brain cells quickly enough when I read your post, I suppose.
I think it's wonderful he does that. I imagine the ceremonies are quite lovely and meaningful.
O Reverend Waagner, thank you so much, now I have a new excuse for myself when I am too lazy in the morning to get up visit the service.
Have a nice Sunday.
That's nice but aren't we supposed to put snide and nasty things on that sign? Keep the Quit!
Hey, Martin! Any time you sleep through services, just come on by. If there's enough interest, we can plan a covered dish supper for the congregation.
Torn, ixnay on the nidesay and astynay...at least until I've passed around the collection plate!! ; )
Eight days of fresh air and counting!!!
Fabulous! Now there's a church that I might want to belong to! :)
Ha! Love it. Do we call you Paster, Father, Rev. Brother, or have you chosen "High Priest" yet? You know you've got to get the proper vestments ( other than your robe) when walking around in the garden. Perhaps a hate to go with the Prada shoes? ;-)
Thanks, I needed a laugh this morning.
Hiya Butch!! :D
I haven't worked out all the particulars--I'm still filling out the application for non-prof (but not non-GayProf!)status.
I think shoes may be optional, with appropriate warnings about not wandering the clover without watching for busy bees.
Vestments will be more than a fig leaf, surely, but less formal than anything Princess Benedict sports.
I figure we all can use some good chuckles. Happy you enjoyed it!
I'll be part of your congregation any day! I am going to have to think carefully about what I want for my church :)
Sister Bird, you'll be a part of this congregation and have a church of your own? It's that non-profit status, isn't it? So attractive.
LOVED your new post--there's just nothing like the English countryside on a summer's day!
Hi Greg - stopped by for a visit - you said that "your garden is your church of choice" - well said! My sentiments exactly!
Now that's a church I could go to!
Well to be honest, I have thought more often about who God is, standing in a garden during a spring morning with birds singing, than I ever have in a stuffy damp church with someone scowling down at me.
Now you're talkin' Jess...but don't forget your sunscreen!
Sooo, that's exactly how it is for me. When I'm out there, encouraging something to grow, or even just sitting back watching the whole environment, seeing the way everything works together, the plants, the animals, the weather...you can certainly see a Greater Hand at play.
Spooky, I love the way your waterfall looks in the early morning light--looks like you've got some lovely spots for contemplation, yourself!
Love your sign!
But it's unfortunate that there are so many people in the world who don't believe in gardens. Thanks for doing your part to preach the green gospel.
Amen, Brother Lost!!
"...Perhaps a hate to go with the Prada shoes?...
I noticed the Freudian Slip of hate that should have been hat. Poor Cardinal Rat. ( I mean the pope.) ;-)
Very cute, Greg. And how not-caffeinated am I that I looked at the sign and thought-- hey, wow, how did Greg ever manage to find a church with the same name as his blog?
(OH MY... No gold star for me... ) :)
Jenn, I think you should have Starbucks on speed-dial for Monday mornings...
; )
I like the idea of worshiping with bare feet. I used to slip my shoes off in church a lot of times when I attended regularly. Honestly, it feels more natural for me to commune with the Great I AM when I'm barefoot. Especially when the church floor is wood. I love standing barefoot on the wooden floor in winter, when the cold floor talks back to my feet. Perhaps there is a bit of the druid in me?
You can make some faked churchy signs on www.SignGenerator.org.
Uhhh...thanks, Whak'd, but you're a little late to thet party. We've just done that bit. ; )
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