Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sunset Over Eastham

A great day here on the Cape, with temper
atures getting up into the 50s. Sure, there's been an occasionally gusty wind to keep things feeling almost wintery, but there's no getting away from what a mild winter this has been for us so far.

And since we're not shuttered inside away from the cold, it's already obvious that the days are lengthening again. Here's a look at this evening's sunset, around 5:00 p.m., as seen from the parking lot at the Salt Pond Visitors Center in Eastham.

Meanwhile, to the east, a full moon rose over the Atlantic.

From the Coast Guard Station, looking across Nauset Marsh, another angle on the sunset.

The full "Wolf" moon, as seen from our backyard, around 8:00 this evening. Which reminds me, we haven't seen or heard a coyote around here in some time. Not sure what to make of that.

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