Sunday, March 16, 2008

Palm Sunday Surprise

Well, this is a little more like it!!

The African violet at my bedroom window surprised me with a few delicate blossoms this morning. I had hoped to see some flowers here soon, as the plant's been growing nicely over the winter. I just didn't think they'd come so soon! Yay...

Behold, the miracle! Inside this wierd looking husk lies all you need for some of the most fantastic flowers possible. Just add dirt and water.

I got a five pack of assorted lilies at the Christmas Tree Shop recently for pretty cheap. Especially since this particular five-pack had six bulbs in it! The last one was a little I'll keep my expectations low.

But I remain excited about the bonus and look forward to seeing what colors these will be. As far as I'm concerned, you can't beat lilies for adding some spots of random fabulousness in a border garden.

And it was fun to get out there and dig a few holes in the ground. It wasn't nearly as soppy as I thought it would be with the recent rain, so the drainage seems pretty good, save one patch of clay pretty far down the fence.

I'd already chosen things from the old place which had thrived in similar conditions to plant at that perhaps all will be well.

I also found, during the Move, a packet of sweet pea seeds which Mom and Dad brought me from their trip to England.

They're a few years old, as they'd been misplaced during a previous Move, but I planted a bunch of them just the same, around the fence posts. I have a good feeling about them and it's the right time of year for planting.

If they germinate, I'll make some string trellaces for them to clamber on.

More bits of green are appearing here and these chrysanthemums. I can't be sure, as things got a little mixed up during transition, but I think these are the imperial mums which joined the family last year.

A TECHNICAL NOTE: It's amazing how time flies. As of this entry, I'll have posted to this blog 1316 times since I started in April of 2005. I know this because I realized recently that there hadn't been the option for post tags back when I started and so most of my entries don't have them.

I spent some time today going back and adding tags to about two hundred of the earliest posts. Most of those are just pictures, but still, it will be great to have them all cross-referenced. For example, click on the tag
"lilies" and see what you get!


Butch said...

What a beautiful picture of your African Violet. Mine need to be cleaned up a little and fed their flowering growth liquid. It will be no time until they start blooming again. Maybe, some transplanting would help as well. I still have them in the containers when they were purchased. Time to spend a little quality time with them.

Thanks for the beautiful pics. Have you considered starting a book or magazine on plants and the care of them? xzyyxina is my word verification on this entry. Sounds like Wonderwoman's sister, or a skin condition. ;-)

Joe Masse said...

Greg now I'm inspired. I think I'll get some annuals. Bulbs of all kinds bloom here of course, but they don't winter over unless they're dug up and stored in the fridge. African violets go nuts on my lanai, and quickly branch and multiply. I like the large, single plain white ones best, though your pink, with its tender little siblings, is a joy.

Anonymous said...

I took you up on your suggestion of taking a look at the lilies tag and came across some stunning captures of form and color. Thanks for sharing!

Butch said...

An Happy Easter to you and yours.

Greg said...

Butch: my violet needs a little extra attention, too, since I realized *after* posting that the hairy leaves seem to attract and trap a little cat hair, too!

Joe: Glad to offer the inspiration--can't wait to see some pics or video of the fabulous blooms on your lanai--maybe Gilly's mockingbird can do a concert out there for Hooky Beach!

Afod: Happy you enjoyed the lily parade--I can't wait to get the rest of the tags done!

Blessed spring to all of you!!