Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Spring Morning

The rain continued into last evening, and while the temper ature climbed into the low fifties, it was also very windy through the night.

Still breezy this morning, but its nice and sunny, so even tho we lost about seven degrees as morning arrived, it was nice for adding a few new pansies to the front edges of the border garden.

They are still the only blooms out there just now, but the rain has inspired all kinds of things to begin pushing up out of the ground and unfurling their leaves. This morning I spotted the tiny cut leaves of a columbine plant, another clump of rudbeckia and what look to be some creeping thyme leaves.


Cooper said...

Spring flowers blooming ... how beautiful! I needed to see that today as I look out my window at the falling sleet. Gorgeous, Greg ... thank you.

Greg said...

Glad to offer an antidote to the lingering Winter! Have a great day, Coop!

Unknown said...

Happy to see the smiling faces of those pansies... And columbine is a wonderful plant. It always seemed to me to be a bit "unreal" somehow. Secret Gardeny, with such strange shapes and colors. It's why I love it so much.

Greg said...

The pansies really make all the difference--so nice to see them out the window!

Have you got some columbine in your garden, Jenn?? As I recall, this plant sets seed somewhat heavily...

Butch said...

You really know how to capture the beauty in those pictures. I know I must sound redundant but I can not think of any better way of saying it. You take great pictures!

Greg said...

Not at all...tell me again, tell me again! ha ha...

Seriously, thanks, Butch. I love the freedom that digital photography allows - I usually just keep shooting until I get the ones I'm happiest with! However, with these two particular shots, they were done-in-ones...I LOVE when that happens.

Anonymous said...

Very vibrant colors soaking up all the sun. We're still waiting on color but the daffodils are sprouting from the ground.