I saw my young bunny friend this morning as I gave the garden the morning review.
I'd seen one of the medium-sized buns of the bunch last evening and had wondered if it was this little guy, growing fast...but no, he's still a small one, for now.
Oh, and yah, it looks like he's a little transfixed by that snake slithering by in front of him, and I was too when I spotted it in the photo this evening.
And then I walked out to the driveway and by moonlight, could see that it was actually a stick.
The morning glories were putting on a nice show today.
The hens n chicks' flower stem is continuing to grow.
What an odd little alien like plant these guys are. I don't think you really get that image clearly until you see them starting to flower. I'm a little afraid it's going to suddenly open up a mouth and eat me. Or I would be, if I didn't know that the flowers will be pretty lovely when they finally open.
When I got to work, I parked under the shade of the pear tree outside my office and was sort of drawn to this little patch of sun and moss. I don't know why...just a very tranquil little spot in the world, I guess.
It was nice to know where I could find that spot as the day progressed.
Anyone who'd like to see more of my old doodlings, I've put together a short post on today's theme of Doodle Vacation, over at the Other Blog.
Hope your Thursday was kind to you!
I'm having another go at Finishing With Cigarettes starting tomorrow. I'll try to keep posting but I may take a day or two off just to get through the first screams of the Nicodemon.
Also, there's a possibility I'll be getting to see The Dark Knight tomorrow. : )
Heya! Happy Doodle Week and nice to see you participating-- Claire will be chuffed. You're quite a good artist, there, Gregoire-- I didn't know!
PS- Your comment about the hens flowering made me think you might need to add Someplace That's Green from Little Shop of Horrors to your music medley. :)
Hey, good luck on the re-quitting smoking thing, I know it's been really hard. And if I don't talk to you before then, have a super weekend!
I just wanted to welcome you to Blotanical. It's a great place to meet other gardeners. Cleome seeds are like that sometimes. You'll get more than one color from now on in your garden. They self sow.~~Dee
Thanks, Jenn!! Glad you enjoyed the Doodles...it's been bloody good fun!
Can't wait to get some new markers and create some anew...
I can't tell you how disappointed I was that "Somewhere That's Green" wasn't available to add to my playlist.
Dee, thanks for the visit! (Blotanical, for those not in the know, is kind of like Blog Catalog, but for garden bloggers...sorry I've not sorted out how to include links in Comments. I'll cover that in some near-future entry.)
I'm not at all disappointed to hear I'll have many colors in the future, as you might've guessed from looking at the garden! ; )
I, too, am a veteran journaller, but without the wonderful doodles! I love them! Greg, you are very talented! Did you know that the wonderful Beatrix Potter also peppered her journals with whimsical little drawings? What a precious little bit of your soul. Thanks for sharing them with us.
It's those pesky wabbits waiding your garden again... hehehehehehe
Where is Elmer Fudd when you need him?
Fabulous photos as always!
P.S. I had no idea that was Jupiter in the night sky last night! Thanks for the info!
Butch, when I see bunnies I want to say "Geeve to me larrrge kees!" Bugs Bunny is everywhere.
Greg, congrats on your attempt to stop smoking. Hubby tried six times 'til it stuck. Do you read Sticky Crows? Tornwordo's been smoke-free for two weeks.
Loved the Moon & Jupiter pictures. I have always loved pictures of the moon etc. The best of luck with vanquishing the nicodemon, you can do it.
Just a thought: How is it that the planets who have moons, have names for each of them yet, our moon doesn't have a name but only adjectives describing it?!
Hiya Coop! I blush at the comparison with Beatrix Potter, but glad you enjoyed the journal doodles...I always suspected you were a notebook filler!
Butch, that Liquid Fence stuff has made the bunnies my friends...no longer do they eat the expensive and fancy stuff within the border, but come to graze on the plantain in the lawn!
Also, I bet the people on the other planets have a name for our Moon.
Tiger, happy to enlighten!
Birdie, what's up, doc? Glad to know that Abe eventually kicked the nicodemon. And yes, I do read "Sticky Crows"--Torn's resolve and stick-to-it-iveness have been an inspiration to me after my earlier attempt back in the spring.
Hey you and Jenn should stop using all my British words! Chuffed from Jenn and bloody good fun from you.
More gee whizzes and awesomes, thank you very much :)
(okay I don't actually own the rights to the words)
Where is this other blog with the doodles?
Blotanical sounds interesting.
Hens and Chicks! I know those! My mother planted them in our flower gardens when I was a kid and I was always fascinated by their reptilian appearance. In fact, they figured quite prominently as setting to many a STAR WARS action figure battle. And man do they spread like mad! It got to the point where she was uprooting them and giving to everyone she knew just to keep her own garden in check. But they are wonderful, in their own unique, Jurassic Park kind of way. I'm glad to see them in your garden
I am intrigued by your doodles. I wish I had an eye like you for being able to draw like that. I love when you only provide portions of some of your (real) flowers, requiring us to think of how it looks as a whole. Is that the same sunflower from the day before? Can't be. Or could it? ;-)
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