Thursday, June 14, 2007

Despite the Autumn Chill

The weather here on the Cape has taken a turn for the September-y this week, with overcast skies and winds off the ocean gusting to 30 mph. It's not exactly what we're expecting from June, is it? At the moment, 55 degrees are all we can boast of in red on our thermometer.

Still, the gardens are putting on a great show and a terrific place to begin this morning was right outside the front door, with these dwarf cosmos I planted in between assorted perennials. Here they mingle with some purple cranesbill, also called blood cranesbill...though I'd certainly hate to see someone bleeding that color.

In the back garden, the Atlantic poppy sent up another blossom. I just love the fancy cut of its inner leaves, not to mention the happy way it harmonizes with the marigold assortment at its feet.

The peony buds are swelling with each new day and already revealing their hot colors. Looks like we'll see them unfurling in the warmth predicted to return with the coming weekend.

The peony color echoes in this patch of rose dianthus nearby.

On the furry leaves of the oriental poppy yet to flower, a dragonfly rests.

Here's a close-up of one of those peonies.

Yesterday morning the Sweet William were beginning to add their voices to the chorus in various parts of the yard, including this hot number in the back garden.

These tiny bright marigolds were one of my Truro finds a few weeks back, and now that they've settled nicely into the garden, their blooms are quite something.

I do hope this will be a variety that decides to seed itself in for future seasons. It's finely cut foliage and small multiple flowers are a nice contrast to its more tradition cousins. I think they'd be a great foil for some lower growing yellow sulphur cosmos, too.

Another flavor of dianthus here, this one of the palest pink variety. In the background to the right you can see some purple thyme flowerheads.

As I surveyed the garden, this catbird perched on the nearby birdhouse and did the same, singing a song as he rotated around, taking it all in.

A better view of the new birdbath, surrounded by the latest group shot, which includes allyssum, dianthus, the Atlantic poppy, a bit of spiderwort, a spire of foxglove and another one of those yellow irises I'm becoming so fond of.

There wasn't extra time to spend in the garden, so it sure is nice to have the pictures to look back at later. Especially since the season races on so quickly. Here's one of the only rhododendron blossom heads that's still looking pretty nice out front. It's sort of a surprise how quickly the others have faded. And so it goes.

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